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Mon-Sat: 08.00 -18.00

Why do business with PREMIUM TRUST US

Loans help your business grow: Whether your plan is to hire more employees, expand into a new market, offer new products or grow an existing location, your business needs cash to do so. A business loan will cover the upfront costs of expansion, allowing you to pursue profitable growth.  Work with experts in the financing space.  We will get you these fast!

Do You Qualify For A Loan ?

Qualifying for a loan through PREMIUM TRUST US is easier than you think! Depending on the amount you are looking to secure, there are minimum criteria that you must meet (perfect credit not required!), including

You must have a personal FICO credit score of at least 660.

Your business needs to have been operating for at least 3 years. Although Start-Ups are invited with personal guarantee.

You need to have a minimum of $25,000 in monthly revenue.

PREMIUM TRUST US products vary by state, so certain types of loans may not be available to everyone. Not to worry! We have a product for every business in every state. Please contact a PREMIUM TRUST US Specialist to discuss your particular circumstances.